Assessments & Promotions |
Acquisition and Application of knowledge is the essence of education. So, continuous and comprehensive
evaluation is done to bring out the best in each student. Assessments are carried out as follows:
Std 1 to VIII The curriculum is divided into 2 parts, Part 1 and Part 2. Part I (Languages + Core Subjects) The Summative Assessments are conducted for a maximum of 50 marks and Formative Assessments are conducted for a maximum of 20 marks.
Total marks obtained by the students in each subject will be converted into grades and the grades are classified as follows:
Part II Equal importance is given to Part – II which includes Value and Moral Education, life skills, SUPW and fine arts. The Marks Obtained by the Students are converted into Grades as follows:
Promotion Criteria Promotion will be decided according to the rule in force. A student must secure a minimum of C+ grade in Part-I In all the assessments only then the child is eligible for promotion to the next class.
The report card should be signed by the parents on the Parents – Teacher meeting day. Parents are requested to discuss the progress of their children with Class Teacher and the subject teacher. If a report card is lost, a duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- . |
Std IX & X
Std IX :
- Two Summative Assessments are held in a year for 50 Marks one in the month of September and the other in the month of March.
- Four Formative Assessments for a maximum 20 marks is held in between the examinations.
- Promotion Criteria – The promotion to the next class is based on the rule in force prescribed by the Board.
Std X :
Class X will have a Summative Assessment exam, four Formative Assessment tests and two preparatory exams before their Board Examination.
‘Striving for excellence builds competitive spirit in a pupil’